




PrEP is a medication taken daily for those who are HIV-negative and are at a higher risk of contracting HIV.


There are currently two different medications approved by the FDA for patients to take: Truvada® and Descovy®. Truvada® has been approved for all adults and adolescents that want to start PrEP, while Descovy® is only approved for some and is not approved to be taken by those who are at risk of contracting HIV through vaginal sex.

Moving on to another question: Who should be taking PrEP? If you have any of the following risk factors for acquiring HIV, you should consider talking to your healthcare provider about starting PrEP:

-testing positive for a sexually transmitted infection in the past six months;
-using dating apps to engage in sex with anonymous partners;
-having more than one sexual partner; or
-not using condoms or barriers 100% of the time.

We also know that men who have sex with men have a higher risk of contracting HIV, especially in communities of color. Additionally, if your partner is HIV-positive or if you or your partner inject drugs, PrEP can significantly lower your risk of obtaining HIV.

PrEP is an extremely safe and easy way to help prevent the spread of HIV. Some people who have taken PrEP have reported experiencing some side effects, like nausea, which usually goes away after a few weeks. If you start to experience more intense side effects, be sure to tell your healthcare provider.

-PEP is taken after risky sexual encounters, not before.
-PEP is recommended within 72hours of exposure to HIV, not beyond 72hrs.
-You need to take PEP continuously for 28days, nothing less than that is considered safe.
-You still need to retest after 3months of using PEP to confirm your status.


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