


Some misinformed ideas about HIV and AIDS


Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV is a virus that affects and compromises the body’s immune system. An HIV-infected person is easily prone to additional, severe infections and diseases such as cancer. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or AIDS is the final stage of the 3rd stage of HIV. When HIV goes untreated for a long time, the damaged immune system becomes ineffective, leading to eventual fatality.

Over the years, numerous medical research and advancements have proved to be successful in treating HIV patients, helping them live a whole and healthy life. When administered effectively, new treatments and medications can reduce this virus’s levels in a way that becomes untransmittable.

Below are some misinformed ideas about HIV and AIDS lingering for decades.

The truth about HIV and AIDS is that it can be transmitted only when the bodily fluids from an infected person, such as blood, breast milk, fluid from the anus, semen and vaginal fluid, enter the bloodstream of another person.

HIV transmission

HIV cannot be transmitted by:

-touching or hugging an infected person,

-using the same toilets, bathroom facilities or swimming pools,

-sharing food, utensils, and telephones with someone who has HIV,

-insect bites or infected pets,

-receiving blood from an infected person and 

-through contact with an HIV-infected person’s sweat, saliva or tears.


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