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Family AIDS prevention guide

Date: 2022/11/29

AIDS is a virus caused by human immunodeficiency syndrome. The virus is HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), and the syndrome is called AIDS. The virus slowly destroys the immune system, and if you don't follow the standard treatment, the disease progresses quickly.

In the face of AIDS, human in the grasp of more scientific knowledge and prevention laws, researchers reached a consensus: AIDS can be prevented and controlled.

Prevention and control knowledge publicity education is an effective "social vaccine" to control AIDS. Only with knowledge of prevention and awareness of risks can people refuse dangerous behaviors and protect themselves. Therefore, the state guides the establishment of "the idea that each person is the first person responsible for his or her own health".

world aids day

So, how can families take precautions?

First, family members should actively learn the following basic knowledge of AIDS

1. AIDS is not far away from our life. At present, the total number of HIV infected people has exceeded 1 million.

2. AIDS is a serious infectious disease with great harm and high fatality rate. At present, there is no cure and no vaccine can prevent it. HIV infection can have a great impact on learning, employment and family, and require lifelong medication.

3. HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact, blood and mother-to-child transmission, sexual contact transmission is currently the most important way of HIV infection. Everyday contacts such as eating, hugging and sharing toilets do not spread AIDS.

4. Proper use of condoms can not only prevent birth control, but also prevent STDS and AIDS.

Secondly, before marriage to marital examination, pregnancy to pregnancy examination

Before marriage, both men and women should undergo pre-marital examinations, including AIDS tests. If one party is found to be infected with AIDS, it should inform the other party in time.

Couples should be tested for AIDS before becoming pregnant. After pregnancy, routine pregnancy examination including AIDS test should be accepted. If HIV infection is found, timely measures should be taken under the guidance of professional institutions to prevent mother-to-child transmission.

Third, Family members should maintain a healthy and civilized lifestyle

1. Carry forward the traditional Chinese virtue of husband and wife loyalty and create a harmonious family atmosphere.

2. Pay attention to sex education for adolescent children and enhance their awareness of self-protection.

3. Children care about the spiritual life of the elderly, and the elderly participate in healthy sports and recreational activities.

Fourth, After high-risk behaviors, drugs should be blocked and tested in time

1. Within 72 hours after the occurrence of high-risk behaviors (such as prostitution, multiple sex partners, unprotected male gay sex, injecting drug use, etc.), under the guidance of disease control and other professionals, the patients should go to the AIDS post-exposure prophylaxis clinic to receive drug blocking (emergency medication to prevent HIV infection).

2. 2 to 4 weeks after the occurrence of high-risk behavior, to timely go to the local CDC or medical institutions for AIDS testing, can also be self-testing. Before the test, couples should use condoms when having sex to prevent transmission to their partners.

Fifth, Infected people should avoid infecting their spouses, and family members should also care for infected people

1. The infected person shall inform his/her spouse of his/her infection status in a timely manner, and shall bear legal liability for concealing his/her infection status. Couples should use condoms when having sex.

2. Infected people should start antiviral treatment as early as possible, and mobilize their spouses to be tested for AIDS at least once a year.

3. Family members should care about and take care of the infected person's life, remind and urge the infected person to take medication on time and follow up regularly.

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